Image Gallery of Grand Mosque or ʿUmarī Mosque (al-Jāmiʿ al-Kabīr al-ʿUmarī), Daraj / Barjiliyya, Gaza

Please note that this section is work in progress. We continue to collect and analyse images. If you would like to share images, please write to Sarah Büssow.

Information in Tabbāʿ, vol. 2, pp. 105-115 ; on the mosque's library cf. ibid., pp. 116-126.

1. People: Muḥammad Kamāl al-Dīn al-Bakrī supervised the mosque endowments (naẓārat al-awqāf) at the end of the 12th century AH (d. 1196H). Between 1305-1339H (~1887/8-1920/1) this position was held by Shaykh Khalīl al-ʿAlamī.
Destroyed by the British during WWI; renovated during the 1920s and -30s.

2. History:
Considered the oldest mosque in the city of Gaza.
Used to be a pagan temple and then a Byzantine church.
Turned into a mosque after the Islamic occupation of Gaza in the days of the 2nd Caliph ʿUmar, after whom the mosque is named.