Image Gallery of Ibn Marwān Mosque (Jāmiʿ [ʿAlī] Ibn Marwān), Jāmiʿ ʿAlī Ibn Marwān Street, Daraj / Barjiliyya, Gaza

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Cf. Tabbāʿ, vol. 2, pp. 145-148. For the endowments related to this mosque see: ibid, p. 146, n. 2.

Tabbāʿ (vol. 2, p. 145): "In the heart of the urban area (bi-wasaṭ al-ʿumrān), [next to] the qaṣba of the old Gaza Market, which no longer exists".

According to Ṭabbāʿ, one of the oldest mosques in Gaza. It includes the tomb of Shaykh ʿAlī Ibn Marwān, after whom it is named. To the south of the mosque lies the ʿAlī Ibn Marwān Cemetery.

In a petition of 1892, opponents of the Husayni family name this mosque as a stronghold of this family. (BOA. HR. MTV., 715/9, 1310 [1892])