Image Gallery of Shaykh Zakariyā Mosque (Jāmiʿ al-Shaykh Zakariyā), Shaykh Zakariyyā Street, Daraj / Barjiliyya, Gaza

Please note that this section is work in progress. We continue to collect and analyse images. If you would like to share images, please write to Sarah Büssow.

At the western side of al-Daraj neighborhood, "outside the city wall", near Bāb al-Jurn".
Built in the 5th Hijri century. Named after sheikh Zakariyā al-Tadmuri (d. 449H), who worked at this mosque and buried in its yard (Tabbāʿ, vol. 2, pp. 149-150).

Adjacent is the Masjid and holy tomb (mazār) of Shaykh Khālid (Tabbāʿ, vol. 2, p. 151; see entry "Shaykh Khālid, Masjid and Mazār").

The mosque used to comprise an area of 656 sqm and had three iwans. Only its minaret remained to this day. In the remainders there is the tomb of a Shaykh Zakariyā al-Tadmurī.who died in Ṣafar 749. (Mubayyiḍ, 1995, pp.117).